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“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.”  Psalm 136:1

These are exciting days for Heritage Christian School, and we are tremendously grateful for God’s provision.  One of the ways He provides is through the generous giving of the HCS family and community.  Thanks to your gifts, in the past few months we have been able to:

•    Support our faculty and staff financially and provide scholarship opportunities for those in need.
•    Significantly improve security in and around the school campus.  
•    Continue upgrades and additions to the track and soccer field.

The HCS administration, faculty, and staff would like to thank you for your continued support and generosity to our ministry here.  Your giving is a tremendous help in our efforts to fulfill Heritage’s mission of educating students and helping our families impact the world for Christ.

Please choose one of the areas to prayerfully give.  Thank you!

Staff Appreciation


General Fund

Trades Program